The most comprehensive method for distinguishing true and fake LV bags

Many people believe that a serial number starting with SP is from France, which is more authentic. Not all LV products actually come from France. Spain, Italy, the United States, and Germany also produce LV. Therefore, even if the product is not from France, it may not necessarily be a counterfeit! And LV’s quality control believes that regardless of where it comes from, the quality will be the same. In addition, not all serial numbers of products produced in France start with SP. The general serial number consists of two English letters and four digits, representing the place of origin and the date of production, respectively. The first, three digits represent the month, and the second, four digits represent the year of production. Update: It has been found that the sequence of the four digit serial numbers for many newly released bags has changed. For bags purchased after the end of 2006, the second and fourth digit numbers indicate the same year of production; But first, the three digits indicate the week of production of that year.
For example, the 1097 mentioned by MM later does not refer to the 19th month of 2007, but rather to the 19th week of production
Here is a list for reference. To identify by serial number, you need to have outstanding memory:
From France: A0, A1, AA, AN, AR, AO, AS, AI, AC, BA, BU, CA, CI, CT, ET, FA, FH, FL, FR, LM, LO, MB, MI, MO, MX, NO, ND, OS, RA, SD, SL, SN, SP, SR, TH, VI, VR, VX
Spain: CA, LM, LO, MO (M-color)
Italy: SA
Germany: PO, PB

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